The Last of Us Remastered


Platform: PlayStation 4 [Bookcase]
8 Players
Online, Competative, Team
Rating:★★★★☆ (Single) ★★★☆ (Multi)
Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony
Genre: Adventure, Action, Third Person
Released: 29/07/2014
Country of Origin: USA

The Last of Us: Remastered is an updated release of the PS3 game The Last of Us. It is identical to the PS3 version, but runs at a 1080p resolution and incorporates character models with a higher resolution. There are also improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, 60 frames per second and other types of improvements. It introduces a photo mode to capture and share screenshots from the game. You can use a free camera to take photos while the game is paused. You can shift and rotate the camera position, zoom in and out, and change the photo filter. In addition to the base game three pieces of DLC are included:



Included Media: Box
Rating: Mature
Series: The Last of Us
Added: 2021-08-16
Region: North America
Resolutions: 1280x720, 1920x1080
Save Method: System

Play Status/History

Progress: Fully Completed
Queue: Not Queued
Dad from 23/05/2022 to 08/03/2023
